Northwood Health and Wellness Center
Northwood Health and Wellness Center

This is a conceptual plan that will need to be approved by the Chatham County Board Of Education 


Northwood Health and Wellness Video


  • New Health and Wellness Facility
  • New Weight Room facility
  • New Sports Medicine facility

Proposed Timeline

  • Breaking Ground August 2025
  • Proposed Completion August 2026

Support Goal:


About the Project:

The Northwood High School field house was constructed in 1978. It was built by the school’s masonry class with help from Northwood coaches and staff. Over the years, the field house has been home to conference champions in football and lacrosse, along with thousands of hours of coaches meetings. 

The current field house meets the needs of our football team in the fall and baseball and boys lacrosse teams in the spring.  But without enough space, our remaining teams are storing their gear and changing in bathrooms and PE changing rooms.

Hundreds of Charger alumni have used the existing field house which has surpassed its functional lifespan. 

Now is the time to come together to build a new field house that will meet the demands of practices and games for our student athletes and coaches.

The new 10,000 square foot facility will have locker rooms to house up to eight teams. A new athletic training room will allow our sports medicine team to treat our athletes on a daily basis. Our teams can utilize the meeting room to prepare for their next games. And a state of the art weight room will allow our athletes to reach their full potential. 

We can’t build this facility ourselves. We need community and alumni support now more than ever. Please consider donating to this worthy cause. Anything will help, and no amount is too great or too small. 

With your help we can provide a state of the art facility for future generations of Charger student athletes.

Thank you for your support.

Gift Opportunities

Permanent Plaque 1:

We are seeking 100 gifts of 5,000 which will be recognized on a permanent brass plaque at the entry to the building. Examples of recognition include:

  • Robert A. Adams 
  • Northwood Class of 1972
  • Stout Plumbing Company 
  • The Julius Booth Family 
  • Faith Baptist Church 
  • Remembering Bobby Lee 
  • In Memory of Smith Davis 
  • Coach Tim Collins

Permanent Plaque 2:

A second Permanent Plaque will be above the $5,000 level. Depending on gifts, it will be designed accordingly.

  • $10,000 Gifts
  • $20,000 Gifts
  • $25,000 Gifts
  • $50,000 Gifts

Naming Opportunities

By lending your name, the name of a loved one, you can leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. There are several locations for naming opportunities. For more information on naming rights please contact Cameron Vernon at or 724-699-3071

  • The Building
  • Locker Room 1:
  • Locker Room 2:
  • Locker Room 3:
  • Locker Room 4:
  • Locker Room 5:
  • Locker Room 6:
  • Locker Room 7:
  • Locker Room 8:
  • Sports Medicine Room:
  • Weight Room:


Donor Information



City/State/Zip: __________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________________

Your name as you would like it to appear on any donor recognition:__________________________________________________

Pledge & Payment Terms
☐Pay the donation in full

☐I commit to paying off the pledge in full by ___________ based on the following terms:

  • Quarterly Installments of $_________________
  • Monthly Installments of $__________________ beginning __________
  • Other:_________________________________

Accepted & Agreed
Donor Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Staff Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________

Make Checks Payable to:


Mail to:

Northwood High School 

310 Northwood High School Rd. Attention Cameron Vernon

Pittsboro, NC 27312

Paypal Link: Paypal Donation Link

Attached Files

Northwood Health And Wellness Document

Download this document to find specifics on the facility and ways to donate toward this project.